
Life with twins is hectic. The only thing that keeps me sane is our routine. With the girls only being 3 months old we are still working on perfecting our routine. Our night time routine is down pat.
We start our night off with a feeding. The girls take 4-6 ounces every 3 hours.
We then do story time. The girls need to be kept up right for 15-20 minutes after their feedings. This is due to their reflux

Alexis at 2 months old

Next is bath time. Not only does this help clean the girls up from their day, and of spit up, it also helps calm them down. We use the Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Bath, once out of the bath we moisturize with coconut oil, and get dressed in our pajamas.

Once we swaddle their girls and place them in their crib, they will sleep for 4.5 hours. I usually do a one dream feeding, and they wake up for an early morning feeding. The time the go to bed is led by them. They don't have a set nap schedule yet, so their bed time is anywhere in between 8-10 p.m.
Routine helped me with my twins. But every child is different, you will change your schedule and routine a hundred times before you find something that works for you. Schedules will change as your child grows. I am grateful for my routine, because bed time is when I get my cleaning done.

Olivia at 2 months old


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