My world flipped upside down once my girls arrived. I truly thought I was prepared for them, but i was wrong. When you become a mom you instantly have a thousand more worries, and countless sleepless nights. That being said, being a mommy is the most rewarding thing I have done in my life. The baby smiles, the giggles, and the cuddles make up for the sleepless nights, and the frustration. I would not change it for the world.
Motherhood also makes you incredibly insecure, and question your abilities. Carrying a child and bringing them in to the world is traumatic for your body. I carried two little lives in me for eight months. There were weeks I didn't think my belly could get any bigger, but it did. By the end of my pregnancy, I could not walk, sleep or eat comfortably. Once the girls made their exit, my body was left with loose skin, stretch marks, and a scar. In the end I can handle the physical changes, but its so trying to constantly think you are doing this whole "mom" thing wrong. You wonder if you are feeding them enough, or holding them. I've read countless parenting books, and blogs; but it gets overwhelming with all the different styles they encourage you to use. In the end you do what you think is best.
Another challenge is other moms. We judge each other, I'm guilty here too, but I've slowly come to realize being a mom is about love. It's not about have an immaculate house, or being able to feed your child organic, home made baby food, but being able to unconditionally love your child. My goal everyday is just to feed and love my girls, anything else that is accomplished is extra. I've been told countless times that I need to cherish these newborn days, I am taking that to heart. My girls are three months old, and continue to grow before my eyes. I cannot wait til they are oldee, but I am taking my time to enjoy them now. Being a mommy is tough, but learn to embrace the loose skin, and love the journey you are embarking on with your little one(s).
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Me at 33 weeks & 5 days |
Motherhood also makes you incredibly insecure, and question your abilities. Carrying a child and bringing them in to the world is traumatic for your body. I carried two little lives in me for eight months. There were weeks I didn't think my belly could get any bigger, but it did. By the end of my pregnancy, I could not walk, sleep or eat comfortably. Once the girls made their exit, my body was left with loose skin, stretch marks, and a scar. In the end I can handle the physical changes, but its so trying to constantly think you are doing this whole "mom" thing wrong. You wonder if you are feeding them enough, or holding them. I've read countless parenting books, and blogs; but it gets overwhelming with all the different styles they encourage you to use. In the end you do what you think is best.
Another challenge is other moms. We judge each other, I'm guilty here too, but I've slowly come to realize being a mom is about love. It's not about have an immaculate house, or being able to feed your child organic, home made baby food, but being able to unconditionally love your child. My goal everyday is just to feed and love my girls, anything else that is accomplished is extra. I've been told countless times that I need to cherish these newborn days, I am taking that to heart. My girls are three months old, and continue to grow before my eyes. I cannot wait til they are oldee, but I am taking my time to enjoy them now. Being a mommy is tough, but learn to embrace the loose skin, and love the journey you are embarking on with your little one(s).
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