Take a Moment.

When you become a mother a million things change. You adjusting to taking care of a tiny, helpless human being. You are trying to configure a schedule and rhythm that works for your family. As I was trying to figure motherhood, I found that I was neglecting myself. How am I suppose to do the best for my children, if I am not doing the best for myself?

I knew the moment I found out I was pregnant, my priorities changed. The blurry little blobs on my sonogram would forever be on the top of my list. I would need to take care of myself for the next several months. When my girls made their entrance, I was relying on my body to feed them, it was again one of my top priorities.

As the days became weeks. I lost myself, I was learning who I was as a mother, but I struggled to recognize myself. I am trying to take advantage of naps and bedtime to make sure I am taking care of myself. I try to make sure I take that time to work out, paint my nails, or write. At least once a week I work to have alone time, this is usually when I go and run and errand or do a chore. 

I was worried that when I became a mother, I would lose who I am as a person. My life changed, and I changed, but slowly and surely I am getting to know myself again. I know that my girls have made me a better person, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Take the time to get to know yourself again.

Alexis in the white bow, and Olivia in the red. 


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