5 Tips to Surviving Motherhood

Left to right: Alexis and Olivia at 24 days old. 

Here is a list of 5 things that I use to handle motherhood.

  • Learn to be patience. It takes an incredible amount of patience to raise tiny little human  beings. I wished I was able to practice my patience more before my twins arrived.

  • Take the help. If someone offers to cook a meal or do a chore for you, let them. It makes your life a little bit more manageable.

  • Have a routine. Whether it is baby led, or a routine you build around your schedule, you need one. It will help keep you level headed. 

  • Have a hobby. This may sound like an odd, but it's crucial for you to find a way to relieve the stress. So, find a hobby, crafting, baking, games or working out. 

  • Communication. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page. Speak up if you need help, and be aware of your partners needs. There have been times when I have asked my husband to take over. We are a team, and working together helps everything run smoothly.
Being a mom is not easy, everyday is a new learning experience. Hopefully this list can help you transition into the wonderful wold of motherhood. 


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